About Masgras Law

We have dedicated our careers to fighting insurance companies on behalf of people who have been seriously injured and those families who have lost a loved one through the carelessness of others. We believe that our team’s compassionate approach combined with our determination to achieve outstanding results, will help you and your loved ones through this time of crisis and protect your future. If you have suffered a serious injury due to someone else’s negligence, contact us today. Your consultation is free.

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Congratulations to Purva Vaidya  on her new success at the Social Benefits Tribunal where she was able to secure access to benefits for her clients. The Tribunal is satisfied that the Appellant is a person with a disability within the
meaning of subsection 4(1) of the Act.
SBT File Number – 2302-00915

SBT Decision 2302-00915

Congratulations to Purva Vaidya on her new success at the Social Benefits Tribunal where she was able to secure access to benefits for her clients.

Congratulations to Purva Vaidya and Nidhi Vinayak for successfully arguing at the Social Benefits Tribunal that our clients are disabled and are in need of income support.

Congratulation to  Nidhi Vinayak on her new success for  Tribunal orders.The Tribunal is satisfied that the Appellant is a person with a disability within the
meaning of section 4(1) of the Act.
SBT Decision 2302-00808

Good Luck to Mark Stoiko who is in the middle of a jury trial in Kitchener, to Georgiana Masgras who is in the middle of a LAT hearing on the issue of whether the applicant sustained catastrophic impairment as defined in the SABS and to Andrew Franzke who is starting a LAT hearing next week.


We are proud to have worked on these cases.

Book your consultation now.

Our Kitchener team will be happy to assist you. Once you book, you will be given a client account where you can pay using PayPal or a Credit Card. Please note, your appointment will not be confirmed until payment is received.

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